Tuesday, January 20, 2009


To whom it may concern:

Hi, my name is Harley. Please help! Today mommy had this great idea and bought me this stupid sweater! I try to express my dislike by running away and attacking the sweater each time she tries to put it over my head, but she just laughs and tells me that "I'm the cutest thing she's ever seen."

My daddy thinks it's so adorable that he takes pictures of me - I can't even stand to look at the camera.

Gee, I hope their baby comes soon!

Begging for your help,


The Embellish Team said...

Dear Harley,

Aunt Beck will turn your mean Mommy and Daddy (if I even dare call them that) over to social services...
I'll come rescue you. Oh, and you may want to bring that sweater along, because at our house you'll be sleeping outside with Jake and Patsy.
Love you, Harley!
Aunt Beck

Ramona said...

Dear Harley,
I'm glad your Aunts are looking out for you. At our home your cousin Cosmo sleeps in the bed with us. When Mom & Dad aren't looking you can get even with them for being so mean to you.I will watch for updates. Be strong Harley.
Love, Aunt Mona