Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Big Apple

Our big vacation this summer was to New York, New York - the "Big Apple." This is one huge "apple." Being my first trip I was easily amazed by everything from the subway to the summit of the Empire State Building. Everything is bigger, busier, louder and more crowded than any place I've visited before. Yet, it was beautiful.

We traveled with Jennifer's parents, Dennis and Mary Jane. This made Jennifer's second trip to NYC and as for Jennifer's parents, like me, they too were first-timers.

I'll never forget my first NYC taxi cab experience (actually my first time ever in a taxi) - let's just say I'm somewhat surprised to have survived. "Oh, Ryan you're being dramatic," you might say - well, 0-53 m.p.h. in 2.0 seconds down streets and through openings that I wouldn't try to fit my bike might have to change your drawers too!

A big reason for making this trip was to visit one of Jennifer's best friend's, Leah, who had moved to Manhattan earlier in the summer. Leah was gracious enough to let us stay at her apartment and also served as our NYC tour guide for much of the time. Let me just say, "Thanks Leah!"

To make a long story short, we were able to squeeze all the major "touristy" things in to our schedule, plus with the help of Leah we were able to experience some things that most tourists don't get to do, such as have a picnic dinner in Central Park.

Quick summary of what we did: Chinatown, Little Italy, Mama Mia on Broadway, Time Square, Rockefeller Center, NBC Studio tour (went on Nightly News and Today Show sets), NY Yankees game (vs. LA Angels, Yanks won 14-9), Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Financial Distric (ground zero), and Empire State Building.

We had a great time! NYC - a great place to visit, but sure was glad to be home.