Monday, September 15, 2008

Paying Mom a Visit

Today Jennifer and I traveled to the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) in Richmond. We went with mixed emotions not really knowing what to expect and somewhat nervous of the situation with mom's immune system and not wanting to pass any germs or viruses along to her.

Even though I've seen mom in the hospital setting multiple times in the past - it's never something that's easy. However, as we washed our hands just outside of mom's room (just to be extra cautious - I think I scrubbed all the way up to my arm pits) we could hear her and see her as she talked with Len, her nurse - she seemed fine. Other than all of the cords, wires and monitors that she was hooked up to she seemed like her 'ol self.

We spent much of the morning and early afternoon with her talking, making laps around the halls, helping with computer "issues" and packing up mom's things in preperation for yet another move to a different room.
It was a great day - I think sort of a comfort and relief on all sides. From our view point by getting to see mom and know that she's in good hands and doing okay, and from mom's view point I think it boosted her morale by having her mind taken off of the situation for much of the day.

It was amazing how nice, helpful and caring ALL of the nurses and hospital staff on her floor were. They're all so genuine. We didn't want to leave mom by herself, but with folks like these it made it much easier.

All-in-all mom is doing really well (in my lay-man's opinion), hopefully the worst has come and gone - we keep praying that it has and that the donor's bone marrow is working its magic. Like mom says, "we'll just take it one day at a time!"

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