Monday, September 22, 2008

NC Weekend

We spent this weekend in North Carolina for a long overdue visit with Scott, Beth and the kids. We arrived late Friday night just in time for a quick hello before going to bed. Saturday morning started early by going to Grady's soccer game - Grady's team, the Crushers, won 7-0.We spent Saturday afternoon at the Burlington Carousel Festival - a festival/arts & crafts show. Later that day we hung out around the house. Jennifer and Beth decorated and rearranged parts of the house, meanwhile I worked hard playing with the kids. The evening was topped off with a Mint Oreo milkshake from Cookout - a must!Sunday kicked-off early as well as we headed off to church then capped off the weekend at Olive Garden before making the four-hour trek home. A great low-key weekend with family!

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