Saturday, July 25, 2009

Audrey - Day Two


Charity Best said...

Oh my goodness you guys she is beautiful!!! I am truly excited for the two of you! Little girls bring so much to your life; Love, Laughs and a little bit of Drama...OK just kidding ALOT of DRAMA!!! Enjoy every moment with Audrey and give her kisses from the AZ clan!!! We love all three of you and we can't wait to meet her!!! Keep the pictures coming!!!!

Ramona said...

I think I'm going to cry--Ryan is a daddy!!

Ramona said...

Jennifer-she is beautiful & looks so peaceful--guess she's trying to make up to you for all the waiting!!

Stacey said...

Hey Guys she is beautiful and looks very comfy in both of your arms! Great pictures! Savor every moment because it's very true -- they grow up way to fast.