Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just the Two of Us...One Last Time

What a thought  - it will never just be the two of us again. Only a matter of hours separate us from holding Audrey in our arms for the first time (possibly 24 hours, but still...) - Jennifer is scheduled for an induction tomorrow morning.

It's such a mix of emotions for both of us - happy, yet a little sad; excited, yet a little nervous; anxious, yet a little apprehensive.  The unknown is a scary thing, but what we do know is what a blessing and what a miracle Audrey will be. 

This evening we had a picnic at the Bridgewater Arboretum, which is a special place to Jennifer and I - the spot where she told me she liked me, the spot where we said our goodbyes just before I left for college and the spot where I asked her to marry me. It's nothing spectacular, but the memories this place holds for us sure are - a fitting place to spend our last evening as "just the two of us."

Keep us in  your thoughts and prayers tomorrow as we get ready to meet Audrey and stay tuned - this will be baby-update central over the course of the next few days. Just the two of us are off to bed to prepare for a third - such a big day for such a little lady!

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